Friday, October 23, 2009

Reflections: Week 5 and 6

Week 5...

When we watched "Future of Food" I got really frustrated because the whole concept of the company trying to make their word bigger than the farmers was complete rubbish. Coming from a family whose parents grew up on a farm, and being around their farms when I was growing up, it was very hard to see how companies can 'win' over people's opinions simply because they are bigger. I can't even imagine having that happen to anyone close to me, especially my stepdad who still farms, because it's years upon years of hard work taken away! It made me feel so sad and sick to my stomach that people can come up with such fabricated lies to get what they want. I give so much credit to the farmers to stick to their word, knowing they were going to lose so much of what they had worked for. Also in the video they talked the import/export issue on the impoverished countries and how the food still isn't getting to where it needs to go for those people. They made a certain statistic on how even though there is enough food grown, it's not that there are too many poor people that there isn't enough food, but that the means of getting the food to them is lacking. The video as a whole had so many unbelievable facts and points about our food in the future, it really made me think about how I should change my ways when choosing food. Seeing the rise in GMO's is almost sickening, because it's almost like we are letting technology take over everything we do now, even our food consumption!

The eye opener activity was really interesting and also made me realize I should pay closer attention to how I chose my food. I did the "Score Your Diet" and I am starting to realize more and more how my diet affects the environment! 

Week 6...

I never thought I would ever literally see fat come out of someone's clogged artery in their heart until this week. The video "Diet for a New America" was absolutely incredible! This is the type of video I would show my clients when I start working, because I think it is a perfect way to break down how important it is to eat healthy. I give John Robbins credit for taking a stand and breaking away from a very successful company his Dad started and not have anything to do with it. That would be so hard I can't imagine the pressure even if I was sick like him. 

The template I chose doesn't have a big enough area to put a cool picture on for a header, so I'm a little disappointed. I don't want to have to chose a different template since I have done so much on this one, so I guess I'll just admire everyone else's!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Update

My SMART goal is to use my reusable bags every time I go to the grocery store, Target, Walmart, etc. I'm still in the same position as last week, because I still haven't gone to any stores, but I know I will be in the next few days so this is a great reminder! 

I mentioned this in class already but I have started to become a lot more cognizant of living environmentally friendly. Some examples would be turning off my TV instead of putting it on mute when I'm reading something in my room, turning off my light when I leave my room, not filling up my water bottle right before I go to bed at night since would dump it in the morning, and unplugging any electronics I'm not using. It's hard to transition from living how I used to be to being more aware of how I could be environmentally friendly, but I'm getting there. I know my next step will to be to try and rub off on my roommate so that we both are on the same page, but I want to make sure I can set a good example first.

I feel proud when I remember to do these things I just mentioned because I know I'm helping the environment. I get mad at myself when I don't which is a good self-discipline action to use.

I learned that everyone in class is becoming more environmentally friendly every day like I am. It doesn't always have to be a big action like going out and cleaning up the trash in a park, but the little actions help too. 

As for next week, I plan on continuing what I'm doing, and hopefully will get to some store so I can use my bag and set an example!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy