Friday, October 16, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 2: First Quarter of "Last Child in the Woods"

The chapters and pages I read and what they were about...
For the first quarter, I read 8 chapters which consisted of 115 pages. The beginning started out a little rough with the author's wording, but after I kept going, it was much easier to understand. The author, to me, tries too hard to make visual aids for people, and ends up using too many words making it confusing. He goes on too much on little topics that it becomes to bore the reader. Regardless, the book is about how our generation is growing up in the "Third Frontier" and that the "Second Frontier" was basically skipped by the baby boomers. The "Third Frontier" to him, is children today have little association with nature and are growing up with the urban lifestyle of piercings, tatoos, and fashion trends (Louv, 20). The "First Frontier" is when there was 40% farmland and people killed their food they were going to eat that day. He claims that kids, today, have no interest where their food comes from, such as meat from a cow. He also says kids have no interest in fishing or hunting. I'm starting to have a hard time getting into this book with enjoyment, because I'm from Fargo and North Dakota is known for farmland. The midwest in general is known for farmland, so for him to make these remarks makes me think he has nothing to back himself up other than his opinion. I can't think of many of my male friend's who don't hunt or fish (or at least have gone). In fact, many of my friends love it! He finally addresses that parents restrict their kids from going out and enjoying the outdoors, like they did when they were kids, because parents fear something could happen to their children. After the first three chapters of him addressing his complaint that kids don't spend enough time in nature, he finally explains in the fourth chapter the importance of having nature in people's lives. He provides numerous studies to back up his opinion. For example, a few studies are on how the outdoors can be therapeutic, and other studies are on how having a pet has shown to reduce blood pressure. Also, he makes many points that since technology has improved and kids are using it a lot more than years ago, we are seeing the major obesity problem in our country. The next four chapters continue to reference how nature is a form of therapy, using a lot of historical people and events associated with them. He makes a specific point on how more and more kids are diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), and majority of the time their doctors suggest being outdoors to help "cure" it.

Significant points and terminology...
As I previously mentioned, Richard Louv makes his own definition of the "third frontier." I used Google to see if this was a real phrase, but it doesn't have a true definition. Louv uses the term "nature deficit" a lot throughout the book, but he admits he made up this term. As one could guess, nature deficit is when one is deprived of nature or things in their natural state.
The most significant thing I have learned is basically the point the author is trying to make, and that is how important it is to have nature in our lives. Even though I've only read part of this book, I already have a good understanding of why it is so important. The best part is Louv uses real studies to back up his statements on how nature can make a person more alert, smarter, and more positive.

Why we should care...
Richard Louv wrote this book with the intention of explaining to the public how technology that is constantly changing our lives, is taking away our focus from our natural surrounding. He makes this point because nature is important to our mental and emotional health, but many people aren't aware of it. Like I said, he uses a lot of studies to make his point more powerful. He fears if kids don't start using the natural environment, our society will start having a downfall with mental issues (ADHD) and even more weight gain. When I stop to think about it, whenever I have been stressed, one of my favorite remedies to de-stress myself is going for a walk outside. I never realized that nature was what was effective in this process! I think everyone can agree with saying when they are outside, relaxing, they feel at peace, or that they can think of somewhere outside where they find peace.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Share and Voice 5: Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change

By the title of this year's Blog Action Day, it is obvious what the issue is on. There are many people that are taking a lot of time out of their day, today, to voice their opinion and express the importance of climate change. If you are one of those people, hats off to you! I, on the other hand, just recently was informed on a deeper level the problem global warming is causing. My post is to support the issue, because I now know how important this problem is becoming and will become. I think that Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" is by far the best way to get anyone to understand the importance this issue is having on our planet. The sad part is, is that he made that video a few years ago and it isn't until this year the US is finally going to address the matter. With the studies and data he has collected over the years, anyone would be naive to say that global warming is not an issue. Look at the arctic people! The ice from 100 years ago is now dry land; how did that happen? It's common sense! The most embarrassing is that the US is number one for polluting carbon emissions into the air. Looks like we are taking for granted what we were given.

An estimation of what the arctic will look like in 100 years if we don't change now.

I hope everyone starts to make themselves aware of the problem climate change is causing, and doing so by changing the way they live to help our planet. I know I did, and so did 18 other colleagues of mine! I am proud to be apart of Blog Action Day 2009, and I hope more people get involved by the end of the day. Here is the link, it's only one click away! 

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2: Weekly Update

My SMART goal is to use my reusable bags every time I go to the grocery store, Target, Walmart, etc. I guess I can say I have succeeded in my goal because I have not yet been to any stores! It definitely is in the back of my mind, though. 

One challenge that comes to mind is if I get a decent size of groceries, do I cave in and use a few plastic bags from the store, or buy more reusable bags. I hate buying things that won't be put to use, because that is a waste of money, and I know I usually only buy a big group of groceries every once in a while, so I can't decide what to do. I would like feedback from my group on this one! =) Another challenge I mentioned earlier was if I should buy plastic bags to use as a liner in the garbage, or if I should use ones that I normally get from the store. However, I'm not supposed to use the ones I get from the store, so I am not sure what to do. Again, group what do you all think? 

Knowing I have to keep up with my blog is a constant reminder of my goal, so that is how I can keep it in the back of my mind. I feel confident every day in achieving this goal, because when I put my mind to something, I try to make sure I succeed. 

I didn't learn much from this week, but I plan on continuing what I'm doing to achieve my SMART goal. After all, I'm letting myself down if I don't get there!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Share and Voice: EcoSet Consulting

EcoSet Consulting helps make the film, television, and commercial industries more 'green'! The founder of EcoSet Consulting is a friend of the family, so I thought it was something cool that fits right into our class. She played soccer with my oldest sister for many years, and we have kept in touch with her family since she graduated high school. Who would have thought of such an innovative company? Makes you wonder what you can come up with when you let your mind go! Check out her website and see how much she has helped our environment. Go Shannon!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Eye Opener: CSPI

CSPI stands for Center for Science in the Public Interest. I had never heard of it, so I decided to check out the website. For about 38 years, CSPI has been in strong support of nutrition and health, food safety, alcohol policy and sound science. The website is filled with articles and recent information the group has researched and/or come across.
 I decided to do the "Score Your Diet". It is hard to have a set number for each of the categories because my diet isn't the exact same thing everyday, so the accuracy of it may not be good. However, it says my score was a -18 with an "Uh-oh" above it. That made me laugh when I saw that! My highest numbers were milk and cheese, which doesn't surprise me because I have a lot of those everyday. My lowest numbers were beef, pork, and fish. Again, this doesn't surprise me because I don't have much of those in my diet weekly, even though I absolutely love beef and fish! My health score is a 9, my environmental health score is -15, and my animal welfare score is a -12. I find myself to be a very healthy eater, so I don't know why that score isn't higher, but the other two numbers are very interesting!! I have never thought twice about where my food really comes from or how it was raised, so I think I need to start looking at that a lot closer. I have a friend who quit eating meat because of how animals are raised and treated, but I don't want to stop eating meat so I won't go that extreme, but once I go grocery shopping again I will try and look closer at what I'm choosing.