Thursday, October 15, 2009

Share and Voice 5: Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change

By the title of this year's Blog Action Day, it is obvious what the issue is on. There are many people that are taking a lot of time out of their day, today, to voice their opinion and express the importance of climate change. If you are one of those people, hats off to you! I, on the other hand, just recently was informed on a deeper level the problem global warming is causing. My post is to support the issue, because I now know how important this problem is becoming and will become. I think that Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" is by far the best way to get anyone to understand the importance this issue is having on our planet. The sad part is, is that he made that video a few years ago and it isn't until this year the US is finally going to address the matter. With the studies and data he has collected over the years, anyone would be naive to say that global warming is not an issue. Look at the arctic people! The ice from 100 years ago is now dry land; how did that happen? It's common sense! The most embarrassing is that the US is number one for polluting carbon emissions into the air. Looks like we are taking for granted what we were given.

An estimation of what the arctic will look like in 100 years if we don't change now.

I hope everyone starts to make themselves aware of the problem climate change is causing, and doing so by changing the way they live to help our planet. I know I did, and so did 18 other colleagues of mine! I am proud to be apart of Blog Action Day 2009, and I hope more people get involved by the end of the day. Here is the link, it's only one click away! 


  1. Love the illustrations to show what is really happening! I really hope that things start to change and our planet gets better and people start making wiser decisions! I wouldn't want to see the final outcome if things don't change!

  2. great pictures! It is scary to know this is really happening. I hope people start realizing this is going to become a huge problem if we don't start doing something about it!
