Thursday, December 10, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 6: Final Review of "Last Child in the Woods"

The book as a whole had a very powerful point to address. It was really cool to learn how important it is to have nature in our lives, and the affect it has with our health. Unfortunately, I don't think the book needed to be half as long as it was. The author seems to go on tangents a little too often and it bores the reader quickly. I understand he wants to show references and how much he has researched on the topic, but it got to be repetitive. 

Three Significant Things:
The three most significant things I learned from this book are incorporating nature into your life, promoting this importance to everyone, and to make sure kids grow up surrounded with nature. I know that I'm in my early years of adulthood, but I know it's not too late to start doing more things outside. I can encourage my friends and family to come with me, or to do things on their own by positively supporting outdoors. I will make sure when I have kids they will have the option to do things outdoors as much as I can provide to them.


If there was a shorter version of this book, I would highly recommend it! Like I previously mentioned, it's too wordy and long to keep the reader interested, in my opinion anyways. I did learn a lot by reading it, so that's why I think it would important for others to read it. I would like to know other people's opinions of this book, though, to see if they agree with me or not! 

Share and Voice 10: Eco Store in Duluth

I don't know how many times I have driven by this place, but never thought twice about the title until I saw the commercial the other day! Eco is a store here in Duluth that supports eco-friendly decorating for residential and commercial buildings! I checked out their website, and there stuff looks really cool and modern! Eco stands for economically conscious options; such a good acronym! Check out their website at and look through to see if there is anything you can get for your homes right now! 

Check out these screens... I wouldn't have thought that is what this was! I'm excited to see there are places like this since I will be looking for my own place within the next year. I wish I was able to explicate prices between them and other companies to say that you are saving money by going there, but I haven't been inside there yet so I am not much help in that area. But one really cool program they offer is you can go in and make your own decorations using their tools! Of course you have to pay a small fee for whatever it is you are making, but what a good project for the holidays, and you are practicing ways of being environmentally friendly! I wish I would have known about this place earlier because I love making gifts for people! 

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 10: Overall Project Reflection

My SMART goal(s):
My SMART goal at the beginning of the semester was that I will use my reusable bags 100% of the time I go to the grocery store, Target, etc. for the next 15 weeks. However, it did change a few weeks ago to I will tally up my saturated fat intake to see if it is less than 7% of my total daily caloric intake. I chose to change it to become more aware of my diet, and to double check to make sure I am eating well.

Successes and Challenges:
For my first goal, I was very successful with remembering my bags when I went to the store. I think it helped that I live right by the grocery store, so I didn't have a hard time remembering to grab them on my way out the door. I also planned out when I went shopping early in the day, so I remembered to put them in my car if I was running some errands. As for my second goal, I had an easier time tallying up my saturated fat with foods at my house than when I went out to eat. Even though I could find online the nutrition facts for most of the food I ate when I did go out to eat, it was still hard to remember always to jot them down. One thing I have started to do, and will continue to do in the future is to check out the menu at the restaurant prior to going and figure out which options are the healthiest! 

Benefits, What I learned, and Behavior Change:

This project helped lead me to becoming more environmentally aware internally and externally. I learned how to change different things about myself to be healthier and to support going green! I know this will affect my behavior the rest of my life because I found out so many things this semester I didn't know and I feel confident with changing old habits into better eco-friendly habits.

External Benefits:
By reducing the use of plastic bags, I definitely helped the environment! Less amount of litter that could be spread, and not having to recycle plastic as often has a positive impact on our environment. 

Continuing on:
I will definitely keep using my reusable bags when I go to the store! There would be no point in starting this behavior and stopping it for no reason. Plus, I set a good example with using them when I go. I plan on paying attention to my saturated fat intake, but don't need to write it down everyday.

I highly recommend everyone to making a lifestyle change! Reading everyone's posts about their own shows how happy they are with themselves and doing a good thing at the same time. With the problem of global warming, it is very important to tweak some behaviors so we all can help out our environment. I wish their was more promotion on the news, TV, radio, etc. for everyone to start becoming environmentally sound. It's funny because I don't see a lot of my friends changing, but having taken this class, I know they would!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 10 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Advocacy Project: Letter to the Public Official or Letter to the Editor

Honorable Congressman Earl Pomeroy,

I am a novice Health Advocate and I am very concerned about the obesity epidemic in our nation.  There are many different approaches that have been taken to help reduce this problem, but very few that have to deal with affording resources.  With that being said, I am pleased to hear about the proposed bill concerning affordable healthy choices.

The act provides health insurance accessibility to all individuals and employers, which shows no bias to any persons. Socioeconomic status and race are two major reasons that not everyone is guaranteed health insurance.  Although health care is a cardinal issue being discussed within our government, it is important to allow health insurance accessibility to the entire nation in order to help alleviate the epidemic obesity.  This disease costs our nation billions of dollars in health care expenses alone, so approving this act will help the US population decrease our governments expenses, as well as, improving  the health of our people.

Personally speaking, this act will mean I can press the importance of health insurance to improve the quality of lives throughout our country.  Statistics show this disease is still on the incline, especially in the youth population.

In the past, you have demonstrated support towards health care strategies.  I encourage you to vote in favor of the Affordable Healthy Choices Act.  If support or any type of assistance is needed, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you for your time and support.

Rita Lerud