Thursday, December 10, 2009

Share and Voice 10: Eco Store in Duluth

I don't know how many times I have driven by this place, but never thought twice about the title until I saw the commercial the other day! Eco is a store here in Duluth that supports eco-friendly decorating for residential and commercial buildings! I checked out their website, and there stuff looks really cool and modern! Eco stands for economically conscious options; such a good acronym! Check out their website at and look through to see if there is anything you can get for your homes right now! 

Check out these screens... I wouldn't have thought that is what this was! I'm excited to see there are places like this since I will be looking for my own place within the next year. I wish I was able to explicate prices between them and other companies to say that you are saving money by going there, but I haven't been inside there yet so I am not much help in that area. But one really cool program they offer is you can go in and make your own decorations using their tools! Of course you have to pay a small fee for whatever it is you are making, but what a good project for the holidays, and you are practicing ways of being environmentally friendly! I wish I would have known about this place earlier because I love making gifts for people! 

1 comment:

  1. I just drove by there for the first time last week! I haven't had a chance to go in yet but I hope to! Looks great!
