Friday, October 9, 2009

Reflections: Week 3 and 4

 It was really nice to be able to meet with the TA's to go over our blogs. Even though I didn't have many questions, I was able to make sure I was on the right track, and I was able to make sure I had everything I needed on my blog. Worked perfectly for me.
On Monday, I learned quite a bit when I was in class! I didn't know I was actually behind on the posting and commenting. I'm glad we were able to go over that, and doing so by playing a game was fun. The bag of gifts was priceless! I will be making sure I look at the schedule a lot more often to make sure I don't miss anything. Also, watching "An Inconvenient Truth" was very intriguing. I knew about global warming and the problems it's causing, but I didn't know to the extent that it is. I really like how Al Gore showed the scientific background to it by presenting statistics and graphs to give a visual aid to the audience. To me, he kind of 'dumbed it down' for everyone to understand, even the younger population. I really like people's comments in class on how it really is 'an inconvenient truth' to the world, but we won't do anything about it (just yet). It is funny how we shove problems to the side until they actually have affect on people. I also thought it was interesting how the United States is the worst for polluting the air, adding more Carbon Dioxide to the atmosphere than any other country. It seems like karma, as a matter of fact, because look at our economy now. We used to be on top, and now we are struggling to get off the ground. Furthermore, the Blog Action Day is perfect timing for our class and this discussion. I didn't know they are meeting in December to go over climate change, but it's about time they finally address the issue! I'm excited to see how that event will turn out, and I'm excited to be apart of it.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Share and Voice: Eat Better America

Eat Better America is a free website full of healthy recipes, diet and nutrition tips, and fitness ideas. You can sign up for free membership and receive emails and updates from the website. One of the neat features this website has is you can send in a recipe you have, and they will try and "healthify" it by replacing ingredients with healthier options. Each recipe also has a breakdown of the nutritional information you would normally see on a nutrition facts label. This is one of my favorite websites! I use it as much as I can to mix up my meal choices, and so I can make smaller meals, instead of having leftovers all the time that just sit in the fridge! I strongly encourage everyone to check out the recipes, especially if you are trying to eat healthier, or you are like me that just like to change things up a bit. Go check it out and explore!! 

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1: My SMART Goal

My Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change over the next ten weeks is: 
I will use my reusable bags each time I go to the grocery store, Target, Walmart, etc over the next 10 weeks. I will leave one in my car in case I'm not at home and want to run to the store before returning home, and I will keep a few bags at home and bring them with me when I decide to shop.

Why is this eco-chic?
This is eco-chic because I'll be reducing plastic/paper bags. This affects the reduction on pollution of plastic bags in the environment and the usage of trees for paper.

Why is this important to me?
This behavior is important to me because it gives me another way to be more 'green' and help our environment by doing so. I'm glad to help the environment in any way possible, and this project is only one way I can help. One challenge that this will bring to me is if I will buy bags for the garbage or how I can eliminate using plastic bags in my garbage. Very difficult but I'm up for the challenge!

I also blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1 Linky Party hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy

Monday, October 5, 2009

Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

I now see why this was called an 'eye opener'! I took the "Earth Day Footprint Quiz" and did not realize how much impact I really have on the environment. My results show that if everyone lived my lifestyle, it would take 4.1 earths to renew the ecological services I have used up. Here I thought I was a decently 'green' person! I walk to and from school and the grocery store, I use the same water bottle everyday, I buy a lot of fresh foods and little amount of packaged foods, and I recently started using the renewable bags for when I shop. It shocks me what my lifestyle's ecological footprint is, versus someone who doesn't do any of the things I listed I do that are considered 'green'. I'm going to try and find out how much my apartment uses for electricity and water, so that I can try and reduce my usage as much as possible. I'm also going to be a lot more conscious about being green everyday, such as recycling more often, to increase more 'green' into my life. This was a perfect eye opener for me, especially as the first one we have to do.