Thursday, October 8, 2009

Share and Voice: Eat Better America

Eat Better America is a free website full of healthy recipes, diet and nutrition tips, and fitness ideas. You can sign up for free membership and receive emails and updates from the website. One of the neat features this website has is you can send in a recipe you have, and they will try and "healthify" it by replacing ingredients with healthier options. Each recipe also has a breakdown of the nutritional information you would normally see on a nutrition facts label. This is one of my favorite websites! I use it as much as I can to mix up my meal choices, and so I can make smaller meals, instead of having leftovers all the time that just sit in the fridge! I strongly encourage everyone to check out the recipes, especially if you are trying to eat healthier, or you are like me that just like to change things up a bit. Go check it out and explore!! 


  1. sounds like a great website! I am trying to eat healthier so I will definitely have to check it out! :)

  2. this website looks great! I would love to check it out sometime!
