Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1: My SMART Goal

My Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change over the next ten weeks is: 
I will use my reusable bags each time I go to the grocery store, Target, Walmart, etc over the next 10 weeks. I will leave one in my car in case I'm not at home and want to run to the store before returning home, and I will keep a few bags at home and bring them with me when I decide to shop.

Why is this eco-chic?
This is eco-chic because I'll be reducing plastic/paper bags. This affects the reduction on pollution of plastic bags in the environment and the usage of trees for paper.

Why is this important to me?
This behavior is important to me because it gives me another way to be more 'green' and help our environment by doing so. I'm glad to help the environment in any way possible, and this project is only one way I can help. One challenge that this will bring to me is if I will buy bags for the garbage or how I can eliminate using plastic bags in my garbage. Very difficult but I'm up for the challenge!

I also blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1 Linky Party hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy


  1. This is a great SMART goal! It is a great way to help out the environment :)

  2. I like your goal! It really does make more sense to use your own bag instead of using more and more plastic bags. I hope to start doing that soon, even though it isn't my SMART goal. I plan on buying some bags soon! Excited to hear how it goes for you!
