Monday, October 5, 2009

Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

I now see why this was called an 'eye opener'! I took the "Earth Day Footprint Quiz" and did not realize how much impact I really have on the environment. My results show that if everyone lived my lifestyle, it would take 4.1 earths to renew the ecological services I have used up. Here I thought I was a decently 'green' person! I walk to and from school and the grocery store, I use the same water bottle everyday, I buy a lot of fresh foods and little amount of packaged foods, and I recently started using the renewable bags for when I shop. It shocks me what my lifestyle's ecological footprint is, versus someone who doesn't do any of the things I listed I do that are considered 'green'. I'm going to try and find out how much my apartment uses for electricity and water, so that I can try and reduce my usage as much as possible. I'm also going to be a lot more conscious about being green everyday, such as recycling more often, to increase more 'green' into my life. This was a perfect eye opener for me, especially as the first one we have to do. 


  1. Wasnt that quiz crazy!? It definitely opened up my eye and made me realize I need to change a lot of my daily habits

  2. I felt the same!! I never knew how much of an impact just one person could have on the earth. Crazy!
