Thursday, December 10, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 6: Final Review of "Last Child in the Woods"

The book as a whole had a very powerful point to address. It was really cool to learn how important it is to have nature in our lives, and the affect it has with our health. Unfortunately, I don't think the book needed to be half as long as it was. The author seems to go on tangents a little too often and it bores the reader quickly. I understand he wants to show references and how much he has researched on the topic, but it got to be repetitive. 

Three Significant Things:
The three most significant things I learned from this book are incorporating nature into your life, promoting this importance to everyone, and to make sure kids grow up surrounded with nature. I know that I'm in my early years of adulthood, but I know it's not too late to start doing more things outside. I can encourage my friends and family to come with me, or to do things on their own by positively supporting outdoors. I will make sure when I have kids they will have the option to do things outdoors as much as I can provide to them.


If there was a shorter version of this book, I would highly recommend it! Like I previously mentioned, it's too wordy and long to keep the reader interested, in my opinion anyways. I did learn a lot by reading it, so that's why I think it would important for others to read it. I would like to know other people's opinions of this book, though, to see if they agree with me or not! 


  1. Great information! Too bad the book was so long and wordy.

  2. Glad you were able to keep with it even though it was a bit wordy. Looks like you learned a lot about it at least!
