Monday, December 14, 2009

Advocacy Project: Inform, Crossword Puzzle, Act!

I'm very excited to present this topic to you all, as it is a major topic in our society. The epidemic of obesity has been in the news multiple times over the past couple years, but it seems as though people aren't taking enough action to change it. As a health educator, I'm going to stress a few major points to help advocate on this topic and the importance it has. Our generation may be the first to have their parents outlive them! Scary!!

First, read through the information I have gathered from different sources that I thought may get your attention due to this disease. Second, go through the crossword puzzle and see how much you learned. If you get stuck on a question, go to this link to help you. Third, take some action!!


  •    "Despite obesity having strong genetic determinants, the genetic composition of the population does not change rapidly. Therefore, the large increase in . . . [obesity] must reflect major changes in non-genetic factors."       (Hill, James O., and Trowbridge, Frederick L. Childhood obesity: future directions and research priorities. Pediatrics. 1998; Supplement: 571.)
  • Obesity affects ALL the major systems in the body, not just one. This can result in multiple complications and diseases resulting in more severity. (American Obesity Association)
  • There are two classifications of obesity, hypertrophic and hyperplastic. Hypertrophic obesity is excessive weight gain in adulthood, characterized by expansion of existing fat cells. Hyperplastic obesity is excessive weight gain in childhood, characterized by creation of new fat cells. (Development of Obesity)
  • 10% of those who undergo bariatric surgery may have unsatisfactory weight loss or regain much of the weight they lost (Weight Control Information Network)
  • Those 18-24 and 55-65 years old have increased the incidence of surgery by 726% by the year 2000. (Bio-Medicine)
Crossword Puzzle:
Click on this link to go to my crossword puzzle homepage. 

Now it's time to help me advocate on this topic! Help me support changing around the epidemic of obesity by becoming a part of Action for Healthy Kids. It doesn't cost anything, all you have to do is go to their website and join the support system. I'm already a member, and it's one simple way to get everyone to take action on this topic. Report how you feel about my project!

1 comment:

  1. Great activity! It was a good way to educate us on your topic! Very interesting facts!
