Sunday, October 11, 2009

Eye Opener: CSPI

CSPI stands for Center for Science in the Public Interest. I had never heard of it, so I decided to check out the website. For about 38 years, CSPI has been in strong support of nutrition and health, food safety, alcohol policy and sound science. The website is filled with articles and recent information the group has researched and/or come across.
 I decided to do the "Score Your Diet". It is hard to have a set number for each of the categories because my diet isn't the exact same thing everyday, so the accuracy of it may not be good. However, it says my score was a -18 with an "Uh-oh" above it. That made me laugh when I saw that! My highest numbers were milk and cheese, which doesn't surprise me because I have a lot of those everyday. My lowest numbers were beef, pork, and fish. Again, this doesn't surprise me because I don't have much of those in my diet weekly, even though I absolutely love beef and fish! My health score is a 9, my environmental health score is -15, and my animal welfare score is a -12. I find myself to be a very healthy eater, so I don't know why that score isn't higher, but the other two numbers are very interesting!! I have never thought twice about where my food really comes from or how it was raised, so I think I need to start looking at that a lot closer. I have a friend who quit eating meat because of how animals are raised and treated, but I don't want to stop eating meat so I won't go that extreme, but once I go grocery shopping again I will try and look closer at what I'm choosing.


  1. I did the "score your diet" also. I also found it difficult to say what I was eating because my diet changes all the time. Don't worry.. mine said "uh-oh" also.

  2. I did the same. I was in the "uh-oh" as well. And I don't eat a TON of meat and it's not consistent so just like you, it was hard to estimate my weekly intake. Very interesting outcome though!
