Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Reflections: Week 1 and 2

The first two weeks were very interesting and quite a bit to take in! The Star Wars activity was a perfect activity to do for getting us students to think outside of the box. I think it made everyone step back and realize that going in from one angle on an activity like that is not always going to work. It also shows us that being open to other's opinions can make progress possible.

Starting from scratch on blogging was a challenge for me, but the more I work with it, the better I'm becoming at it. It reminds me of getting a new phone and in order to learn how to use it you have to mess around with the features. The one thing I really have to focus on is making sure I do the assignments according to directions and not just the way I want to do them. Also, I was a little shocked that there is actual "blogging etiquette" out there because to me it seems like that should be common sense. However, after reading the examples in the readings, it is imperative to have blogging etiquette.

The quote activity we started out in class the second week was excellent! As I have mentioned in my profile, I love quotes, so going through those in class was right up my alley. The best part about it was I was learning how to interpret quotes that I don't necessarily understand right away. Great way to get me to critically think!

Overall, I really like how this class is set up and how we interact with each other. I think once we get going on posting it will make it even better, too, as that will give us more means of communication with each other.


  1. Blogging has been a little tricky for me as well. I think once we get used to it, it will be a lot of fun! I like this class too, it is different than all my other classes and its fun to interact with each other.

  2. You are catching on just fine! I love the "new phone" analogy. I think this is going to be a great semester with the group of students we have in class. It will definitely be interactive!

  3. I think the more we do the blogging, the more we'll get used to it and get the hang of it! It's tough to get started but once you get going it seems to flow well. I agree with Carrie about how this class is very different than others because of the different interactions! Should be interesting!
