Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9: Weekly Update

What and How???
My SMART goal this last week changed AGAIN! I had a test on Monday for one of my classes and some of the material was on factors associated with coronary disease. This covered a lot of fat and cholesterol data, thus sticking out in my head about my diet. I have said in the past I consider myself to be a pretty healthy eater, however, I really wanted to focus specifically on my saturated fat intake and see where I was. My goal ended up being:

"I will tally up my saturated fat intake for one week to see if it is less than 7% of my total daily caloric intake."

Successes and Challenges!!!
Last week I started to try and tally up the saturated fat grams in my head and would guesstimate, but Monday I started to write them down to see my accuracy. With that being said, I know I could have made some improvements last week with the holidays because of the sweets that were everywhere, but once I got back to school, I have been successful! It is hard to remember to write down information like that when you aren't looking to lose weight, rather just trying to be a little more healthy conscious. This will be a challenge for next week as I'm going to keep this as my goal. Another challenge is I eat a lot of cheese, so I will have to make an extra effort to make sure I don't over-consume it!

Feelings =)
I feel healthier by paying close attention to the saturated fat I eat everyday. I don't know if this is more psychological or if it really is making a difference in the way I feel. The only way to determine this is if I continue to see how I do in the next week or weeks.

<----- YUCK!!!!

I learned.....
I learned that even if you are a healthy eater, there is always room for improvement. Whether it's not taking another bite when you are full, or not eating something because it's there. Watching my family chow down on food last week even after they were really full made me a little grossed out! It is OK to indulge every once in a while, but you don't need to consume it all at once!

My plans for next week are to stick to this goal which is:

"I will tally up my saturated fat intake for one week to see if it is less than 7% of my total daily caloric intake."

Like I have been doing the past few days is writing down my consumption grams and I found that to work best. I'm excited to see what challenges I come across this next week!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy