Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5: Weekly Update

What and How?

My SMART goal is to use my reusable bags 100% of the time I go to the grocery store or other stores for the next 7 weeks. I will be heading to Walmart tomorrow after work, so I know I need to bring that with me when I leave. Writing this post is helping to remind me again to bring the bags with me. I also added on to my goal, which was to start paying attention to the products I use and start becoming more eco-friendly. Unfortunately, I didn't achieve this part of my goal. It wasn't that I forgot, but I never set aside time to look up my products I'm using and see where I can improve. That I will have to do for next week!

Successes and Challenges...
My success is that I keep remembering to bring my bags with me to go to work tomorrow. I know I'll be going by the Walmart, so I figured I can get my items there instead of the grocery store since I'll be right by it. My challenge was I didn't take time out of my week to look up my products. I devoted too much of my time studying for my test I took Monday, I didn't think about it. That I will definitely aim for for next week.

My feelings I felt this week was that I know I can do both parts of this goal, it just a matter of balancing everything out. With the holiday thrown in there too, it was quite a busy weekend. I feel bad right now I didn't do the second part of my goal like I said I would, but now I know that's my focus for this week.

I learned...
I learned that just because you really want to focus on one thing because it is super important to you, you have to balance out all your projects to make sure they all get done. I'm very much a person that if I say I'll do it or get it done, I will do it and get it done. Not a very positive week for me on the update.


My plans for next week are to set a time aside so that I go through my products via the website we used for the eye opener, and see where I need to improve. I will look at my daily schedules and find a time where I can do this. As for the bag part of my goal, I will be sure to bring it with me tomorrow!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy.


  1. that is a great idea to set aside a special time for you to figure out all of your products! Sometimes I have to make a to-do list just so i don't forget one of the many things I need to do!

  2. That's a good idea. Us college kids lead pretty busy lives so it can be a struggle to be organized.
