Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Share and Voice 7: Fitness and the Environment

Now that we are 8 weeks into this class, I have been curious how I could incorporate fitness with environment. Of course I thought too hard about it, and then came across this article and realized the most obvious way; cleaning up litter! This article is on how a guy, Sam Huber, began a movement called "eco-running" and it's simply cleaning up litter, but getting more out of your exercise than just walking (even though you can walk if you choose to). 

He has been in featured in many articles and magazines for starting this movement. Huber has implemented his idea to kids through a movement called "Eco-Runner Kids" which is perfect for our society with helping kids understand the importance of being eco-friendly, and also to help them exercise with the increase of obesity rates. I know, personally, that when I have ran outside, there have been multiple pieces of garbage I run by, but have never thought to pick it up. There is a website called "How to Improve Fitness and the Environment by Eco-Walking" and it gives you some tips to help you get started. It's seems simple, but you don't want to be running too long with too much garbage you can't handle. I thought this was a really cool idea and seemed new, but it sounds like places all over the world do similar activities such as an eco-hike. I think this would be a fun activity for our class if it wasn't cold out! There is nothing better than feeling great about exercising, but also feeling great about being environmentally friendly is a win-win!


  1. This sounds like a great activity!

    P.S. The yellow is not legible in the reader. Please find a different color that works on your blog and in the reader.
