Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 7: Weekly Update

What and How
My SMART goal is to use my reusable bags 100% of the time I go to the store, and start looking up products I use to see how hazardous they are. I went to the grocery store once this week and used my bags, but ended up having to use one plastic bag to get everything back to my place. I didn't look up anymore products this week.

Successes and Challenges

As I walked out my door from my apartment building last week, I realized I had forgotten my bags. I stopped and thought either I could just go without, or take less than 5 minutes and run back in and get them. It was a quick decision as I headed back up to grab my bags. Once I was checking out, I was worried all my groceries wouldn't fit in my bags and ended up being right. I bought quite a few big cardboard items, so it made sense, but I can figure out a way to use my plastic bag I gathered. I didn't look up any more of my products, but it was because I didn't know which ones I should choose. I think I will keep that as a part of my goal only one more week, because I don't know how many more products I could look up that will be on the website. 

I felt so good about myself for going back into my apartment and grabbing my bags! I obviously could have just kept going, but I knew that I need to stick to my goal, and continue on being environmentally friendly. I'm not sure what products I should look up this week, because many of them don't come up on the website that I have searched on. I will do some more digging to find more products and see how I feel about it this week.

I learned

I decided to look online for coupons to see if I could find any that work at any grocery store. As it turns out I was right! I stumbled upon the website www.coupons.com that you can print out for free. This was a good way to save money, which in turn is economically helpful! I will be using that website much more often for groceries, as I saved over $5.00.

My plans for next week are to continue with my goal and that is:

"Use my reusable bags 100% of the time I go to the store, and look up products I use to become more aware of how hazardous they are to my health."

Like I mentioned before, I will look up products only one more week to see if I can get more information to pull up when I search for some of them. I also plan on looking for coupons no matter what the store is!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 7 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy


  1. Congrats on staying strong and going back to get your bag, I bet you felt good after that!

  2. That is all so great! Good ideas! Keep up the good work!
