Friday, November 20, 2009

Reflections: Week 9 and 10

Week 9:

We have done many posts already this semester, but I knew there was one label we hadn't used yet and that was the Advocacy Project. I didn't know at all what to expect from this project, but I really like the introductory assignment to it. Having us go through and find our political representatives was a good eye opener because I have completely been avoiding these people and their significance to my life. Even though I'm not a huge political person, doesn't mean I shouldn't be aware of those affecting my life politically. In addition, I never knew CHES existed, let alone what it is. Although it doesn't have as much of impact on my life because of my degree, it was cool to find out about it. I liked working in groups, too! It was a short class period, but a good start to becoming an advocate. 

Week 10:
I was very excited about the topic we discussed on Monday and the video we watched to go along with the discussion. I remember taking Economics in high school and learning so much about the topic, but it has been many years since then, that I have forgotten most of the information I learned. The video "Unnatural Causes" has a perfect breakdown on the affects socioeconomic status and race in correlation to health. I would like to know the percentage of the nation's population that actually understands how just these two topics affects EVERYONE'S health. To go along with these affects, stress was a significant point brought up and how it affects health. Internally, someone could have no health risks or problems, but if their pituitary gland sends off too much of the hormone Cortisol, then they could result with health problems, regardless of their socioeconomic status or race! I wrote down the equation Dr. V put on the board because I want to use it to explain to my extended family how all of it ties together. That is why I really enjoyed this topic, because every holiday we get together on my dad's side, the issue with taxes always comes up since most of that side is Republican and most of them don't agree. The discussion after the video was important as we went over different ways to approach the topic which is getting us to critically think. This was a good way to guide us into doing the project due on Monday.