Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4: Weekly Update

My SMART goal....

My SMART goal this past week was to use my reusable bags 100% of the time I go to the grocery store, Target, etc. for the next 10 weeks.

Successes and Challenges...
I just went to the grocery store today and used my reusable bags! I was worried that I would have too many groceries for my bags, but those things can hold a lot! I only have two and I got $50+ worth of groceries in them (minus the milk which I carried)! 

I noticed when I went to TJMaxx this last week, I didn’t think to bring my bags with me. It wasn’t until I was checking out that I realized I could use them for clothes, too. The challenge with this is I was heading to the mall after, and my bags probably would have been full, so then what do I do? I’m thinking I’ll take out the items I already bought from one place, and leave them in my car. I will have to make a couple of trips when I’m home, but it’s good exercise and I’m being eco-friendly!

I'm very proud of myself for bringing my bags with me, and noticing that they hold a lot more in them than I thought! I'm excited to keep using them. I feel like I'm setting a model for others in the store, too, which is a cool thing. Especially since I was the youngest one in there at that time I think!

What I learned....
As I've already mentioned, I learned those bags have some great depth to them! I don't know if anyone else was thinking the same thing as me, but take it from me and use them because they hold a lot! I also learned that remembering the bags isn't that hard, as long as you have planned out that where you are going when making errands.

Plans for Next Week....

I have decided to add on to my SMART goal by continuing to use my reusable bags 100% of the time I go to the grocery store, Target, etc. AND start looking at the labels of products I use to see where I need to improve! Should be interesting but I can use the website we used for the eye opener! 


  1. That's so cool that you are adding to your goal! I'm glad it's been working for you and you finally got to use your bags! Keep it up!

  2. I was wondering how much those bags could hold! That's cool that they hold a lot. Keep up the good work :)
