Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Share and Voice 6: Learn How to Read Nutrition Labels

I remembered in high school when one of my teachers taught us how to read nutrition facts labels and how shocked I was that I wasn't doing it correctly. Many people are in my boat, today, that I was in 5 years ago, but I want people to become more aware of what they are eating. They need to know not only by where it comes from, but also by what's in it. People often see "Fat Free" or "98% Fat Free" and automatically take the item, assuming what is printed is correct. The sad and scary thing is that it isn't always right! Help educate yourself by taking 10 minutes to watch this video I found. This guy worked for Kraft and found out how they scammed people and still are today. 

It helps break down a simple way for people to read labels regardless of what is printed on the front or side of the package. Hope this helps everyone in some way so the next you are at the store you can look at the labels correctly! Click on this link to watch the video Reading Labels Correctly


  1. This is a great website! And very beneficial for people that do not know how to read the labels correctly!

  2. This is super cool! I will have to learn to read labels correctly, because I'm sure there are many things I'm doing wrong!

  3. Okay. That is completely disturbing! Is anyone else completely disappointed in the U.S food producers right now?
