Sunday, November 8, 2009

Advocacy Project: My Political Representatives

Here are my political representatives of the US, ND, and Fargo:

President of US: Barack Obama, Obama's Website
Congressman of ND: Early Pomeroy, Pomeroy's Website
ND Senators: Byron Dorgan, Dorgan's Website; Kent Conrad, Conrad's Website
ND Governor: John Hoeven, Hoeven's Website
ND Senate Legislators, ND House of Representatives Legislators
County Board Presidents
Fargo's Mayor: Dennis Walaker; Walaker's Website

There are more than a few people for the ND Senate and House and the County Board Presidents. If you click on the link, it will direct you to a website of their names. I knew all of the people in the positions above, other than ND Senate and House and County Board Presidents. This is a great way to get students to realize political representatives if they don't know all of them.


  1. definitely good to know who is running things in your area, and who you can talk to if you would like some changes done!
